My name is Kim Ellsworth and I am this year’s Episcopal Urban Intern Program (EUIP) intern at St. Stephen’s and Jubilee Consortium. This year, through the St. Stephen’s website and Facebook page, we are going to be reflecting on Lent and how taking on a discipline impacts our faith, our relationships, and our relationship with God.

For my Lenten discipline this year, I am going to take a picture every day of what I think represents God’s presence in a city that usually does not show it openly. When I first moved to Los Angeles, I was astounded by the uncleanliness of the environment and the pain of the people despite the bright and warm weather. I wanted to help but I admit, I fell into a gloom thinking that nothing I did would change it. I have emerged from that place, but I want to take this time of reflection to document and explore how God shows up in places we would normally not think to look. Finding the beauty among the seemingly unimportant or dreary.

I am asking those in the community to explore with me. Are you giving anything up or taking something on? Have you participated in past Lenten disciplines? I would like to compile the experiences and perspectives of our church family and friends to post on Facebook and the website to share with the community and one another.

Please let me know if you would like to contribute to St. Stephen’s Lenten postings through writing, videos, songs, photos, or any other medium that best explains your story. Our goal is to collectively post at least one thing for each of the 40 days in Lent.


Thank you and I hope to hear from all of you!

Kim Ellsworth